Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Scared Straight

Remember in the 1970s when the Scared Straight documentary came out? They took a bunch of teenage delinquents to Rahway State prison to sit them in a room with dangerous ‘lifer’ convicts. I was mesmerized. These scary looking convicts were up close and personal yelling, screaming, and swearing at these ‘young punks.’ In the hope that they would not end up like them (with no life and no chance of ever getting out of jail) these lifers were attempting to turn around the lawless teenagers. This was on TV; it was terrifying to watch it as a teenager.

I am one of those people who needs to be ‘scared straight’ when it comes to changing the course of my life (health, poor relationships, toxic work situation, etc.). Maybe you’re like me?

We are in trouble, friends & family. Serious trouble. Like, END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT kind of trouble.

I’m not even trying to be dramatic here. What I’m going to share is a thimble-size amount of information about Global Warming and it’s life-altering affects. If we don’t RADICALLY change all our personal and global lifestyle expectations, and start bringing Global Warming into our daily discourse, our children (especially our grandchildren) may be the last generation to exist. The science is not in our favor, folks.

I’ve had my head in the sand. You have had your head in the sand too. Be honest!

How much time are you investing learning about the consequences of living in a 21stcentury world with fossil fuel dependency, 2-3 square meals a day of meat & dairy (times 325,000,000 people, times 7.6 billion on the planet)? Have you been bothered by our seas rising in some areas around the world because the artic glaciers are melting at an exponential rate that is unprecedented? Does the dwindling natural water aquifers cross your mind? We are polluting our streams. More than half of them are now unsuitable for aquatic life because we have dead zones in our large and small waterways (including the Gulf of Mexico). And those dead zones are growing each year. Don’t even get me started on deforestation, or plastic that sits in landfills and oceans forever, or how our coral reefs are dying, or the soon to be extinction of bees because of over use of pesticides and herbicides. We are destroying our future.

Are you feeling a little bit bummed yet? Wait, it gets worse.

In 2005, a UN report, 5 years in the making; 300 Scientist contributed to it from around the world; 1,000 scientists reviewed it. It’s called the “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report.” Summed up, we are ‘tearing the planet apart; we’re tearing the ecosystem apart.’ These changes will be impacting: our ability to provide clean water, and protect ourselves from natural disasters (such as main groves and marsh lands).

James Hensen’s book called, Storms of my Grandchilden: The Coming Catastrpohe is about global warming. The most terrifying thing he wrote was, “As long as there are human civilizations on this planet able to function as a civilization, we will never ever have another ice age on this planet.” We are not going to be cooling off ever again—only getting warmer as a planet.

Let me lay some science on you:

We can only put another 500 gigatons of Co2 into the atmosphere before our planet surpasses the life/eco altering 2-degree mark. So think of it like a BANK SAVING OF 500gt. That’s all we have left in our human account. We have 500gt left to emit before we ruin human’s ability to sustain healthy living. 500gt left that will keep us living safe and not utterly devastate earth’s ecosystem. THAT’S IT. We currently emit about 50gt a year. A YEAR! So if we keep emitting about 50gt a year for about 10 years we can’t reverse it. Let me say that again, so you don’t miss it: we can NOT reverse it. So we only have a few choices: Slow down emissions (cut emissions in half). With that option, maybe we’ll get 20 years. Or we get radical and do ALL WE CAN to switch to a ZERO carbon emission society. If we transition now, we have about 10-20 years depending if we alter our life to sustain the future. Future generations need our compliance now. Here is the SHOCKER: Co2 lifetime up in the atmosphere is 10,000 years. It does NOT recycle or dissolve or dissipate over time (kind of like plastic). It’s not going anywhere. We have lost our ability to be good stewards of our planet. 500gt of Co2 is ALL that we can put into the atmosphere.

This doesn’t even take into account what we put into our oceans, the uncertainty of the speed of glacier melting (to keep our earth cool), the millions of  tons of methane gas the animal agricultural industry is adding to our atmosphere, or our unstable weather patterns that create forest fires that blaze for months. Our children will be affected. Every human on earth will be affected in less than a generation. Land and oceans will forever be altered.

But wait, it gets worse.

Remember when Ralphie in a Christmas Story double dog-dared Flick to put his tongue to the flagpole? Then he threw down the coup de grace of all dares, the triple dog-dare. Flick had no choice in front of God and his peers but to put his tongue to the frozen flagpole, no matter the consequences.

I double dog-dare you to watch this 12- minute link by Rupert Read. I triple dog-dare you to watch his hour-long Cambridge lecture to a small group of brave souls who would listen. Rich and I watched both links by Dr. Rupert Read. We were shocked at how small the crowd was and that only 41,000 people had viewed the video. For crying out loud, Justin Bieber had 3,090,370,652 views on YouTube for his song, Sorry. 

Shed A Light: Rupert Read – This civilisation is finished: so what is to be done?

If you didn’t watch the links because you’re super busy watching something on TV or scrolling on Facebook, I BEG you, to please stop what you’re doing and watch this now.

This may sound alarmist, but it is not alarmist when the danger is real. If you’re not fearful and scared about Global Warming then you’ve not really been paying attention.

For those of you who live in colder climates, it’s almost the end of winter. I know you’re all tired of it and think it would be great to have burst of Global Warming right about now. I get it. I moved away to a warmer climate because I hated the cold. I never even gave one minute of thought about global warming until I came to Florida. In only 3 years since we’ve moved here, the summers are longer and hotter. The ocean is warmer too. One symptom of human interference to our ecosystem and global warming is red-tide. It’s a toxic algal bloom that caused sea life to die and humans to have an instant respiratory cough. It too difficult to breathe on the shores of the ocean; you have to leave the beach or suffer. Rich and I have seen it and inhaled it when it gets bad.

It’s like knowing in 10 years a major asteroid is going to hit earth. You start preparing NOW. You throw all your resources into things that really matter. You educate people so they can change their expectations and conscious conditioning. Remember, it doesn’t mean the world will end in 10 years if we don’t do anything, it means in 10 years the damage will be irreversible and the life altering natural catastrophes that we have seen multiplying over the last few years will speed up like a runaway train until earth is uninhabitable for our children and grandchildren.

Most days, I’m a pretty optimistic person. I like to keep it positive; I like the energy buzz I feel when I choose a ‘don’t worry, be happy’ mindset. I like to lift up the spirits of other’s around me too. There is so much to dig about our day-to-day lives. The world is so remarkable and beautiful. And people are beautiful.

But we have to set aside those parts of us that want to deny or delay the truth about Global Warming and what is coming in our future.

We need to teach eco truth in the school. We need to have philosophical and intellectual, critical-thinking conversations about this subject.

Mother Nature will be on the ballot in 2020. We have to vote for her. I know, it may go counter-intuitive to every Capitalistic instinct you have. But we won’t have a normal economy at this rate. We have to transform it now. We have to wake up and be scared straight. We need to believe our scientists and ignore our politicians (who are serving the interests of big corporations).

While I may think it would be fantastic for everyone to have health care, a decent working wage, free collage tuition so we can stay competitive around the world, and high-speed rail trains. You may want the Wall or a bigger military. The truth it’s pointless to debating whether to spend billions on Space Force or free healthcare when life on the planet is in peril. Hard stop!

It’s now or never!

Remember the movie Schindler’s List? Remember at the end of the movie when he says goodbye to the Jews he saved? He laments that he could have saved more, that he threw away so much money. He didn’t do enough. He questions his choices (even after doing so much). But the moral implications of not doing his all meant that people would die. He crumples under the weight of his anguish. “Why did I keep this car? 10 people right there. This pin. This is gold; two more people—at least one. I could have saved one more person. And I didn’t.”

Teach your children about Global Warming. Talk about it all the time. In the 1970s, we collectively talked about cleaning up pollution and denuclearization. It changed our world. Inspire your children and grandchildren to dream big dreams to save our planet and reverse the damage the industrial revolution brought about.

Don’t put your head in the sand and think 1) Jesus is going to return. 2) This is not my home; my home is in Heaven. 3) Don’t just pray it away. God has called us to action and solutions, not passivity and waiting for him to do our work. By that logic, why bother to put out a fire? We need to do what we can to stop the destruction. Anything less would be a denial of reality. We have a moral obligation to those we love and our future relatives who will come after us. All great leaders and sacred books inspire us to be stewards of our planet and that of our brothers and sisters.

In our quest to aspire to be the greatest nation in the world, we may have contributed the most to destroying our planet due to our materialistic and relentless want for the unnecessary. Becoming conscious is the only thing that is going to save us. So learn about how to become a conscious American/human and how to do your part to keep the true state of our Union and our Planet in the forefront of our mind before it’s too late.

Did I scare you straight? If not, then you didn’t watch the links or read the books or watch the documentaries. When you do, let’s talk.

I am contributing to global warming every day. You are too. I’m admitting that I have foolishly, ignorantly, and selfishly striving for more, and wanting an easy lifestyle at the expense of my children and grandchildren’s future. So have you. However, I’m committed to figuring out how I can change that. I’m committed to talking about this subject as if my life depended on it (because it does). Why? I believe scientists and philosophers, teachers, artists, and persuasive orators of truth, and dreamers of the future. Mostly, I am listening and observing all that Mother Natures is revealing. She has my complete attention now.

Vote and transform society before it’s too late. Otherwise we’re going to be writing our own grim version of a song called ‘SORRY’ to the last generation. We have to figure out how to come together, mend fences and build bridges or our society will fall due to run away fears and danger that we can’t even comprehend at this moment.