You're mom and dad have waited a long time to prepare for your arrival; they're going to be awesome parents. You'll probably grow up kicking a soccer ball while singing Broadway tunes. We know that you'll be raised in a home where you'll be taught that God loves you and wants you to enjoy this remarkable experience called life.
You're our 6th Grandchild and just as precious as the other five. We look forward to seeing who you're going to grow up to be (you're unique personality, talents, interests, and the wonderful path you're life takes).
When you grow older and learn to watch television, you're going to hear about a magical kingdom called Disney World. You need to make sure you let your mom and dad know that this is a place you must see regularly with your Oma and Opa. This magic place is right in our backyard (about 1-1/2 hours away). And we also live near the ocean, in a place where it's summer all year round, called Florida. We can build sandcastles and look for seashells. Until you're ready to come meet Mickey, Snow White, and Prince Charming, we will look forward to coming to see you in Colorado and holding you in our arms, playing peekaboo, dancing in tutus and singing.
We love you Little Blessing. We will pray for you your whole life and be up in your balcony cheering you on.